Transmission Vol. 5:
The Drinkwater Dossier
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The Administration’s stunning expose on the city of Cincinnati. The dossier is 10 separate files, 64 pages in total, held in accordion folder.
︎︎︎Two short stories
︎︎︎One historical translation
︎︎︎One rebrand proposal deck
︎︎︎A variety of notes & correspondence
︎︎︎Four small posters (8.5x11)
︎︎︎One foldout poster/map
︎︎︎One hand-embroidered handkerchief
The Administration is proud to announce our latest venture into the practice of social sculpture. Leaving behind the materiality and limitations of Zine publishing and art objects, we have expanded into the ripe field of privitized Intelligence Agencies. After months of training, power grabs, and propoganda, we present to you a new branch of the Administration: Work Is Play Administration Intelligence Institution (WIPAii).
The WIPAii is clandestine for security purposes, but we assure you all the aspects you have come to know and love about the Administration are present.
The Administration is proud to announce our latest venture into the practice of social sculpture. Leaving behind the materiality and limitations of Zine publishing and art objects, we have expanded into the ripe field of privitized Intelligence Agencies. After months of training, power grabs, and propoganda, we present to you a new branch of the Administration: Work Is Play Administration Intelligence Institution (WIPAii).
The WIPAii is clandestine for security purposes, but we assure you all the aspects you have come to know and love about the Administration are present.

WIPAii’s first forray into social sculpture begins with the the uncovering a deep conspiracy plaguing Cincinnati. Our field agents infilitrated Cincinnati’s political-economic apparatus by entering companies responsible for the last two decades Cincinnati city development. The uninitiated, non-Cincinnatians may ask, what companies?
Allow us to quote directly from Cincinnati Mayor, John Cranley (The Urbanophile Interview, 2014):
Allow us to quote directly from Cincinnati Mayor, John Cranley (The Urbanophile Interview, 2014):
“For a city our size, we have more assets than any city in America. We have more Fortune 500 companies per capita. We have an incredibly deep economy… We were a P&G city since 19th century.”
—CINCINNATI MAYOR JOHN CRANLEY“We are literally the consumer marketing capital of the world.”
—CINCINNATI MAYOR JOHN CRANLEY“And if you take the $150 million that is being spent on the streetcar and we invested it with 3CDC and other public-private partnerships that have already proven to be hugely successful for us, on my opinion it’s a more efficient investment for the dollars.”
For those who need more qualification than hearing it from the horse’s mouth, the Administration has taken the time to create an essential reading list to understand Cincinnati’s corruption.
Linked below are a variety of research papers and articles, spinning a web between the channels of captalism in Cincinnati and how they affect citizens.
Who Rules Cincinnati by Dan La Botz: An exhuastively researched and excellently argued description of Cincinnati’s economic power structure and the corporate power driving it.
3CDC Case Study by Nowak Labs: A detailed case study, explaining the how 3CDC operates. Full of hard data on citizen displacement, investments, and revenue.
Recent Cincinnati City Hall Corruption: A Timeline by Sharon Coolidge: A concise timeline explaining the arrests of three City Council members by the FBI, primarily for accepting bribes for fake development plans.
The P.G. Sittenfeld I know is the leader Cincinnati Needs by Scott E. Knox: A fun little opinion article arguing that the “progressive canidate” charged with wire fraud, bribery, and attempted extortion is actually a really nice guy! It’s worth considering the long history conservative ownership of Cincinnati Enquirer, including Carl Lindner II.
Chiquita Brands International from Wikipedia: Formerly owned by prestige Cincinnatian Carl Linder II, the history of Chiquita is made clear through a practice of monopolies, bribery, and the hiring of the AUC, anotorious right-wing paramilitary and drug trafficking group for $1.7 million dollars.
Pushing a Swing State toward a Presidency:
How the Citizens for Community Values (CCV)
Played Ohio with the “Defense of Marriage Act” by Angelina Spencer: Excellent student research paper connecting the dots between the Lindner’s, Cincinnati’s christian conservative coalition and the wide net of fraud and gaming using anti-gay rhetoric to help ‘swing’ the state of Ohio for George W. Bush.
New FC Cincinnati Managing Owner Meg Whitman Says Decision 'Feels Right’ by Tana Weingartner: Speaking of the Lindner family, guess who is the controlling owner of the beloved Cincinnati soccer team? Meg Whitman’s own history as P&G Board Member, senior member of Mitt Romney’s presidental campaign, and republican speaker at the 2020 DNC convention are relevant as well.
West End Housing Study - 2019 by The Port of Greater Cincinnati Development Authority: Laying out the complicated path to “revitalizing” Cincinnati’s West End. Key take-away is that currently 27% of households are extremely threatened by displacement due to FC Cincinnati’s investment.
Deliver Us, Lord, From the Startup Life by Kathryn Joyce: Finally, a look at the complicated development of Cincinnati as a hub for midwestern start-ups involving prosperity gospel and the Crossroads mega-church, founded by executives from P&G.
New FC Cincinnati Managing Owner Meg Whitman Says Decision 'Feels Right’ by Tana Weingartner: Speaking of the Lindner family, guess who is the controlling owner of the beloved Cincinnati soccer team? Meg Whitman’s own history as P&G Board Member, senior member of Mitt Romney’s presidental campaign, and republican speaker at the 2020 DNC convention are relevant as well.
West End Housing Study - 2019 by The Port of Greater Cincinnati Development Authority: Laying out the complicated path to “revitalizing” Cincinnati’s West End. Key take-away is that currently 27% of households are extremely threatened by displacement due to FC Cincinnati’s investment.
Deliver Us, Lord, From the Startup Life by Kathryn Joyce: Finally, a look at the complicated development of Cincinnati as a hub for midwestern start-ups involving prosperity gospel and the Crossroads mega-church, founded by executives from P&G.